Editor’s Note: E. Victoria Lee is a published author and spiritual teacher. In 2000, she wrote “Secrets in the Soul,” which is now available on Amazon.com. A fellow traveler, we are honored to have her guest blog on soberhelpnow.net.
Session 2: Developing a Higher Belief System about ME (My Energy)
From Workbook on Healing the Inner Child/Self (Original printing 1997)
Written by E. Victoria Lee, D.D., Author, Los Angeles (sobriety date 10/21/1981)
What a pleasure to be able to perhaps assist you who are working on recovering from a hopeless state of mind and body. Although I am a 30+ year member of several recovery programs (and I’m not really, really, really old yet), I find we will continue to strive to become healthier in all areas of living, often from varying kinds of addictions, some far worse than others, and still can use some help. Please grasp this tool because it takes you further into your thinking, probably further than you ever thought about. Don’t forget to find a quiet space within which to do your writing and remember the goals for writing is to begin a personal process of KNOW THYSELF. Enjoy the process-it will only hurt if you don’t take the time to do some recovery of oneself. Perhaps along the way you will gain the strength to talk with a trusted and trustworthy person about what you are discovering. This week because it’s good to look within at one’s inner personal relationship, I’m choosing to give you 4 questions. I reserve the right to change number of questions week to week as guided by my inner spirit! O! Don’t forget to keep all your writings in one notebook. I find it is good to check back 6 months or a year later and see how you have progressed.
Writings #2 – The Original Picture: Mentally stand back and observe yourself –
1. What is it you have always wanted to feel about your personal relationship with YOU, that has NOT manifested yet?
2. If I had the relationship I wrote about in prior question, I would feel:
3. Being as honest as I can with myself, my personal relationship with ME (My Energy) is:
4. If I begin fulfilling the relationship with myself positively that I truly want, I would be motivated to begin/complete the following goals (list the ones that have always been in your mind every time you remember one-do not fabricate just to look “good” to YOU (yes, some folks will lie to themselves):
Next time more questions about tightening the bond between you and yourself!
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